How far do you have to go before you ask, have I gone too far? Does making high meat in your Ambulance count as too far?
Nah, who am I kidding. I’ve still got much further to go!
If you don’t know what high meat is, it’s fermented raw meat (or organs) .
Just meat, a glass jar, and the occasional burping paired with the right amount of patience (weeks, months, or years) delivers an edible product that promises to be supercharged with good bacteria, enzymes, and is known for giving a feeling of euphoria (hence the “high” in high meat) when eaten((Interestingly the euphoria high meat is known for is a primary argument against eating it by mainstream publications that have covered the topic (as thought it’s a drug). I dare you to tell a random person to stop eating bread and see how violently they oppose such an absurd idea. Or ask someone to describe the smell of their favorite food cooking and watch the obvious pleasure it re-inspires. But shouldn’t nutritious food make you euphoric?)).
I’ve known about high meat for roughly 5 years now, but for reasons((Who are we kidding, I was intrigued but chicken-shit. as. hell. to actually give it a try until now.)) never dove in.
? Hi there, just want to remind you that this article is talking about my own experiences, and should not be considered professional advice. You have to be the one to make your own life decisions. If something I share is helpful or inspiring to you that makes me happy and I’d love if you leave a comment or send me a note. ♥️
How did I get myself into this mess?
My personal life is almost 100% pure chance. I save the pre-planning for my day job.
I really wanted to eat some beef liver the other day, but the smallest package I could buy was more than a pound in weight.
Since moving into the Ambulance I have a renewed sense of waste-not-ness and the idea of just throwing away what I couldn’t eat was guilting a hole in my brain. I fed Dora as much as I could to help offset the extra, but she’s only 15 pounds!
What I did have was a brand new glass jar((Originally intended for making my own kefir. The failure of which is a whole different rabbit hole of randomness I’ll save for another story-telling session.)) telling me now was my chance at doing the unthinkable.
How to make high meat
Yes, there is even video evidence of me making high liver!
- Fresh meat only, nothing previously frozen!
- Clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
- A sense of adventure (and humor) ?
Choose a jar that gives just as much volume for air as for the meat you’re putting in it. Making high meat involves aerobic fermentation so you want air for the bacteria to feed on (you did know we’re intentionally feeding the bacteria, right?!).
You can use muscle meat or organ meats. What you choose to ferment will affect the taste just like cheeses have very different flavors. Generally, I’ve heard the most positive remarks about the flavor of fermented liver((If you do a generic search for high meat the internet is going to tell you death is imminent and those that survive are as dangerous as meth addicts. ? Better information is available in some online raw carnivore communities.)).
Cut the fresh meat up into small pieces to make it easier to enjoy as it ferments later. Imagine having to pull a super-funky steak out of the jar later on to cut pieces off of. Let’s just save ourselves that heartbreak.
Place the meat pieces into your clean jar and screw the lid on.
Set the jar in a coolish place (not the fridge!) that isn’t in direct sunlight. Every 1-2 days you want to burp((Unscrew the lid to give it some fresh air.)) it.
You can also shake the jar around a bit to stir the contents so everyone gets a more equal share of air exposure during the fermentation period.
The more often you burp it, supposedly the more quickly it will ferment. I’ve been burping mine 1-2 times a day.
I didn’t say it was gonna be pretty, okay?
How is this safe?!
Certainly all bacteria will kill us, which is why I’m not actually alive after eating raw meat (including chicken!) this whole year. You’re reading the work of Erica’s ghost. /s
In all seriousness though.
We don’t seem to bat an eyelash about eating other aerobic ferment foods like alcoholic beverages and dairy products like non-cultured buttermilk.
A huge takeaway for me from my entire carnivore diet journey is that what we “know” as the default is usually wrong. Incredibly wrong.
How am I healthier when eating NO plants? How am I healthier eating only raw meat?! How has eating raw meat not killed me (the actual data might surprise you)?
So that’s why I’m willing to give high meat a try; because what we think we know is often completely wrong.
Who did you learn hi meat from? I’m aware of it from Reading Aajonous Vonderplanitz. I haven’t tried that yet.
In the Carnivores Gone RAW facebook group, they talk about how to make high meat. I’ve also read Aajonus’ work about how to make it.