There's a safe room in my mind.
I can go there anytime
to hide out from the bad guys.
I built it myself
with blood, tears, and sweat
but mostly tears.
There's a safe room in my mind
where I can pretend those empty
bodies without souls
can't see me.
I know they still can, but I can't
feel them.
There's a safe room in my mind.
It was meant for emergencies
but it became my home for a while
until I was afraid to leave.
There's a safe room in my mind.
The only requirement for entry is
locking everyone else out.
Close the door tight and hide the key.
That's how I got lost in it for so long.
There's a safe room in my mind
I still crawl inside and hide.
Sometimes I forget to step back outside
but I no longer need it.
I have a safe room in my mind
I no longer need.
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